With the kind participation of some wonderful writers, I have cobbled together a podcast of the INTERFICTIONS story teasers that were performed aloud at Readercon 18.
The December episode, featuring "Pallas at Noon" by Joy Marchand, is the last of them. Further story teasers shall have to wait until I attend another reading! Subscribe using RSS
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To subscribe with iTunes, choose "Subscribe to Podcast..." from the Advanced menu and paste in the above URL, or click below to visit the INTERFICTIONS Podcast page at the iTunes Store:
Links to the MP3s podcast thus far (right-click to download): "Pallas at Noon" - Joy Marchand (5.5 Mb)
"The Utter Proximity of God" - Michael J. DeLuca (7.0 Mb)
"Hunger" - Vandana Singh (7.5 Mb)
"Black Feather" - K. Tempest Bradford (8.4 Mb)
"A Dirge for Prester John" - Catherynne M. Valente (7.9 Mb)